uPic tutorial - Gitee

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Gitee configuration

📝 Options instruction

  • username: The username of gitee.Example:My Gitee main pagehttps://gitee.com/gee1k,my username is gee1k
  • Repo: The name of repo which you want to upload files.Example:my Repo’s URL = https://gitee.com/gee1k/oss, oss is the name of Reop.
  • Branch: The name of branch,master is the name of Branch by default,if you want to upload to others,please establish first.
  • Token: Gitee personal access tokens.
  • Domain: Domain names are not set by default and will use your Gitee default URL.When you make the Rpeo’s function of pages available and set up custom domain,you can use your own domain now.
  • Save Key: The path to file storage (including folders). Supports {year} {month} {day} {hour} {minute} {second} {since_second} {since_millisecond} {random} {filename} {.suffix} and etc. For example, the uploaded file is uPic.jpg, set to \"uPic/{filename}{.suffix}\", it will be saved as: uPic/uPic.jpg.

🔑 Get Token

  • 1.Access Gitee Token set page

  • 2.Select repo access permission,then scroll to the bottom of the page,hit Generate token button to get token.
    generate Token

  • 3.Copy the Token and paste in uPic Token input box

    Attention:This Token shows one time only!Keep it carefully,otherwise you need reset one~copy Token

🌝 Bingo

Save it and select the newly configured of Gitee from menu bar-image hosting bar,try to upload a image~

After successful upload,file/image will shows in your Gitee Repo

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